6 Phenomenal Ceramists To Watch Out For
Every day, we have customers sending in their favorite Instagram accounts that they use for creativity. There are, of course, countless artists out there - and creative, inspiring ceramists are bountiful!
In this post, we've selected just a few of the ones that have excited us today!
@debbieweinmannceramics is a Melbourne based ceramic studio. She loves learning, creating messing, and making both fun and functional ceramic pieces.
Check out these beautiful hand crafted vases and bowls!
@lizpechacek does handmade pottery, sculpture and jewelry in Minneapolis, MN.
We love the ridges on her style 😄
@apcuriosities does her handmade pottery from Maine and we love these adorable pieces!
Regularly styling these cute little animals and other critters into her pieces really gives them a unique flair!
@olyariba likes to focus on handmade table and kitchenware. Truly hand pressed pottery always has such character!
@sonrazuma_ceramics is a Russian ceramist - And, well, we'll be honest - we can't figure out too much information about her as we don't speak the language 😅 But how adorable are these pieces!
@omceramic, Object Matter Ceramics, just has some crazy funky designs! The color splatters always grab our attention.
- Alex Santiago